Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Task 1

At the beginning of skins we instantly see that the young teenage girls are represented as to be sexual objects and infact seen to be the dominant force. This is connoted by the teenage girls smoking and by the way they looked at other people, which made them look superior to others. In skins the girls are seen to be challenging stereotypes as they are shown to be violent because it shows them hitting another person which goes against a typical teenage girl stereotype. The males are seen to be abit opposite to the girls as they are seen to be much more calmer and laid back, which shows that skins completley challenges gender stereotypes.In the trailer of Bully the males were seen to be more dominant as they were portrayed to be the active and aggressive characters shown through kicking boxes. Through the use of the male protagonist using weapons shows that teenagers are primarily torublesome and want to inflict pain on other people. In both texts, they portray teenagers to be selfish and carry out illegal acts, such as smoking illegal substances or using weapons.Also, in both texts it is apparant that teenagers are inflicting pain on each other creating the idea that teenagers are complying with gang voilence.